please read before booking

If you have any of the following conditions, I am unable to provide you treatment.
Liver Disease
Thyroid Disease
Recent Surgery in the last 6 months
Auto Immune Disease
Recent birth with c-section in the last 3 months
Cardiovascular Disease
High Blood Pressure (must be controlled)
Lymphatic Disorder
Metal implants (cannot be in the area being treated)
Pre-Treatment Preparation
Drink plenty of water (at least 1L of water before treatment)
Avoid eating 2 hours before treatment (Avoid heavy meals on treatment day, eat light)
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated drinks for at least 24 hours before treatment.
Remove makeup before treatment (for face and neck treatments)
Consider purchasing a waist trainer for best results!
Do NOT FAST during treatments. Your body will go into "starvation mode" and become resistant to the release of stored fat.
If you are menstruating, please re-schedule.
What to expect during your session:
Treatment time will vary, depending on the individual's size and body area being treated. An average session time is usually between 60-90 minutes.
Please arrive 15 before your appointment. You will be filling out client paperwork before your session. Our practitioner will go over any questions/concerns you have.
You will be asked to change into disposable undergarments.
Together with your practitioner, you will be positioned for "before" photos, and your treated areas will be measured.
Treatments are 1:1 with your practitioner.
The treated area will be prepped using ultrasound gel/oil
If at anytime you need to use the restroom, you should let your practitioner know right away.
If at anytime you feel discomfort, too high of heat, you should let your practitioner know right away.
Treatments are painless, same day results, with zero down time.
After your session is complete, the treated area will be wiped down.
Your practitioner will position you for "after" photos, and your treated area will be re-measured.
After photos and measurements have been taken, you will have privacy to change back into your clothes.
Your practitioner will review Post-Care instructions with you.
No hot baths, showers, sauna, or hot tubs after your treatment
Drink plenty of water 1 gallon is recommended per day for 3 days)
Avoid alcohol and caffeine for 24 hours
Dry Brush the treated area daily to prevent fat and toxins from becoming stagnant
Maintain a healthy balanced diet
Maintain regular exercise for increased results
Wear a waist trainer!